The adventure begins following the adoption of Thales...

At Patoune Verte, it all started with a simple idea: to offer quality care to our animals, without compromising on naturalness or eco-responsibility. Inspired by our first companion, Thalès, and our love for animals, we decided to create a range of products that respects both our four-legged friends and the planet.


Eco-responsible and respectful products for your animals.

We observed that many products available on the market did not really meet the needs of animals or our values. So, we took matters into our own hands, with a clear mission: to formulate natural, safe and Ecocert-certified care products that take care of animals while preserving the environment.

We aspire to become a reference model in the pet accessories industry by harmoniously combining respect for animals, nature and quality.

Blocs 1

Use of natural and organic raw materials to guarantee the safety and well-being of our companions.

Blocs 2

No animal-derived ingredients used in our products to promote an animal-friendly lifestyle.

Blocs 3

Careful selection of recycled or recyclable materials, thus reducing our ecological footprint.

"Our brand is young, but our ambition is great. We want to become a reference in animal care by offering products that combine effectiveness and respect for nature. For us, every detail counts, from the natural ingredients we select to the recycled and recyclable packaging we use."

At Patoune Verte...

We are committed to always prioritizing transparency and quality. Every product we develop is designed with animal welfare in mind and to reduce our ecological impact. We are proud of our beginnings and excited to grow alongside our customers and partners.

We invite you to discover our treatments and share our passion for ethical and responsible products. Together, let's make Patoune Verte a brand that does good for animals... and the planet!

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